Thursday, June 15, 2006

Web 2.0 Resource Review: Wikispaces

Who would have thought that the new millennium would bring about the practice of people (students, teachers, administrators, etc.) being able to collaborate online to complete a project. No more creating a word processing document, editing the hard copy; or emailing edits to the group of users. With the advent of a Web 2.0 tool called a wiki. Collaboration is more convenient and easy to do.

Wikispaces ( is a web-based tool (a wiki) that is used to help users create and edit documents anywhere, anytime. Wikispaces allows users to have a public wiki for free or a private wiki for a fee. The interface is very easy to follow. Users read content and then click on a button to edit the content.

In an educational setting wikis can be used by students, faculty and administration. Students can use a wiki to create class notes or in a creative writing class to create a class novel. Faculty (and administration) could use a wiki to create or update manuals or administrative procedures.

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